The Return of Monk School
This week the volunteers here in Luang Prabang will get their first chance to work at Wat Siphoutthabat (Monk School). The new school year started last week, and English lessons started again today.
There are a lot of rules that volunteers, particularly women, have to observe when working with the Novices. For example, a woman can not pass anything directly to or receive anything directly from a Monk or Novice. Instead they must put it down and then the Monk or Novice will then pick it up (and vice versa). Don't let the rules and formalities out you off though - it very quickly becomes second nature to follow them.
Working with the Novice Monks at Wat Siphoutthabat is a real privilege, and an experience that you will remember for a long time. For many volunteers it is the highlight of their time with GVI in Luang Prabang.

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