Monthly Achievement Report May 2013
2012-2013 school year has come to an end at Wat Mano Primary School. Since
September we have taught English to 26 young novice monks and 1 lay student
“Mr. Johnny”. The students began the year with no prior English language
knowledge but have as much eagerness to learn as we see in all of our other
temple schools. These students are aged 10 to 14 years old and come from
several temples throughout Luang Prabang.
past year the students were lucky enough to have two renovated classrooms
thanks to a former GVI construction volunteer. Shiny new whiteboards, enough
textbooks to go around, 8 computers along with educational activities, brand new
desks and benches make for happy teaching volunteers and happy students. On
Mondays the students work on English based computer activities supervised by
our Lao staff Mr. Sipheng. Mondays through Fridays, Mr. Sipheng, Molly, a GVI
staff member and 4 volunteers teach English in the new classrooms.
last day at Wat Mano was activity day so the novices practiced prepositions
such as “in, on and under” with a wooden train set donated by a former
volunteer. The novices and Lao teacher went wild over their first time playing
with a train set. After the activities were finished Molly thanked the students
for their hard work while the volunteers handed out soy milks to everyone. Special
jelly drinks were given to the students who had completed their homework and
attended class every day.
are very proud of our young novices at Wat Mano Primary School and we are already
looking forward to returning to teach after the summer holiday.
To read a blog entry about Wat Mano please
follow this link-
To read about the construction project
at Wat Mano-

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