Ceremony at the School for the Deaf
Last night the volunteers were
invited to a bacci ceremony at the School for the Deaf. We were warmly welcomed
by Sister Vong and the students and taken into the school. The nuns, students
and a few eager volunteers had been working all afternoon to prepare food for
the evening meal. We took part in the bacci ceremony, tying white strings on
wrists and wishing each other well with blessings for the future. This was then
followed by a feast of chicken larp, noodles, stew, banana fritters and of
course, sticky rice. Then it was time to dance! The students introduced the
volunteers to some Lao dancing and then invited us all to dance with them.
Everyone joined in, including the Sisters, and it was a lot of fun! We had a
wonderful evening and it was an experience the volunteers will never

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