Baci ceremony
This week GVI volunteers in Lunag Prabang were privy to a rare treat, having been invited to participate in a Baco ceremony by our wonderful hosts at the Cold River Guesthouse.
The guesthouse was visited by a group of monks and novices, who chanted to bless the house and guests. It was a truly magical experience, particularly for those amongst us who hadn't witnessed chanting before.
Once the chanting a prayers were finished, the monks and novices left, and the Baci ceremony began. The traditional ceremony involves having lengths of white string (which was also blessed by the monks) ties around your wrists, to bring good luck and happiness.
The ceremony was followed by a home cooked feast of traditional Lao dishes, cold Beer Lao, and lots of lively conversation amongst Cold River's guests!
Our inclusion in the ceremny was an honour, and a wonderful example of the hospitality of the Cold River owners and staff.
The guesthouse was visited by a group of monks and novices, who chanted to bless the house and guests. It was a truly magical experience, particularly for those amongst us who hadn't witnessed chanting before.
Once the chanting a prayers were finished, the monks and novices left, and the Baci ceremony began. The traditional ceremony involves having lengths of white string (which was also blessed by the monks) ties around your wrists, to bring good luck and happiness.
The ceremony was followed by a home cooked feast of traditional Lao dishes, cold Beer Lao, and lots of lively conversation amongst Cold River's guests!
Our inclusion in the ceremny was an honour, and a wonderful example of the hospitality of the Cold River owners and staff.

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