Re-dedication of temple
GVI was asked to help support the cost of refurbishing a simple wooden temple about 10 kms out of Luang Prabang. This temple and the land that surrounds it has the historical heritage of once belonging to the King. It was known as the King’s Garden. The simple wooden building was a place that the King would come to relax and picnic. It was turned over as a temple to the village and now houses one Monk and 3 novices. With the refurbishments paid for by GVI, the Abbot and Novices are living in a bit more comfort. They now have a proper ceiling with a ceiling fan, a rain proof roof and a very long hose to bring up water to the temple. We were invited back to attend the ceremonious re-dedication of the temple . The Abbot, Novices and Villagers said prayers of thanks for the donation made by the volunteer contributions through GVI.
A Special Buddhist Blessing to all the Laos GVI Volunteers who have all contributed to the donation made to these temple repairs:
May all who have been a part of the Laos GVI project be happy, content and fulfilled.
May you all be healed and whole.
May you have all that you want and need.
May you be protected from harm and free from fear.
May you all enjoy inner peace and ease.
May you be awakened, liberated and free.
May there be peace in your world and throughout the entire universe.

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