Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The warmest welcome back ever!

What an absolute delight to return to Kok Gniew Village Primary School!  GVI Staffer, Sam, had 2 weeks off due to a short holiday in Vietnam then a second week of other school commitments so missed two Kok Gniew classes.  Volunteers told Sam the students had been asking about me. 
Kok Gniew Village students

When I walked up the hill to the school the kids were all waving enthusiastically!  I heard choruses of my name being called.  How chuffed was I?  So special and so rewarding for me personally, but also a testament to the village’s appreciation of GVI for our teaching. 

We got stuck into the first class and I was so impressed with the progress of the students.  And their persistent enthusiasm (after the English charm may have warn off!) was terrific to witness!  The second class with Year 5 was extra special!  Students told me they missed me (in Lao of course)!  Too sweet! But again, I was most impressed by how well they’re all doing!  They’re getting so much better at comprehending both vocab and grammar but also activity and language game instructions – I guess they’re getting used to our style of teaching English, and the results are showing! 

GVI Volunteers Rachel and Seamus and Staffer Sam
So all in all a great pleasure and honour to return there.  Hopefully our brief absence over Lao New Year won’t impact too much.  We all look forward to our next class – volunteers, staff and students alike!
