Another birthday celebrated in country!
Saturday night was the big night for dinner and a party,
enjoyed at Lao Lao Garden and it turned out to be a 3-cake affair! Rachel had been gifted two cakes but the
restaurant surprised her by giving her a third one! (Or maybe it was fellow volunteer and
party-organiser Seamus that set that up??)
A great turn out was followed by a smaller number of
party-goers frequenting a bar also celebrating its 1st
birthday! A free drink was offered to us
all, if you were brave enough to try it!
It came in a syringe – presumably not second hand from LPB Provincial
Tuesday saw Rachel
actually turn 19 and although she had a day of teaching, was surprised with
random bouts of ‘Happy Birthday’, some small gifts and being wished a happy
birthday by her novice students. Pretty
Happy birthday Rachel.
Thanks for your hard work and also for sharing your day with us :)

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