30% for nothing!...Bonus Matching Day for Global Giving
Wednesday 13 June is a Bonus Matching Day for Global Giving - a website which collects fundraising monies for a variety of charities. For this one day only every donation made to a GVI project up to $1,000 will be matched by Global Giving at 30%. So if you donate $100 on June 13th you'll actually be giving us $130! It will only last until the funds runs out. Global Giving has $75,000 to match with and it will start at 12:01am EST. Get your giving on!
In Laos, the Charitable Trust supports Lao students by sponsoring language lessons. Without this project, many of the most disadvantaged young adults would go without English lessons leaving them severely limited in their ability to find work and lead independent lives. With just $144 this project would be able to fund a years’ lessons for one student thus significantly, improving their employment prospects.
For more information about the Charitable Trust in Laos head to the http://www.gvi.org/sponsor-english-lessons-in-laos
In Laos, the Charitable Trust supports Lao students by sponsoring language lessons. Without this project, many of the most disadvantaged young adults would go without English lessons leaving them severely limited in their ability to find work and lead independent lives. With just $144 this project would be able to fund a years’ lessons for one student thus significantly, improving their employment prospects.
For more information about the Charitable Trust in Laos head to the http://www.gvi.org/sponsor-english-lessons-in-laos

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