Getting ‘in-shape’ for the August Challenge event
The time is approaching for the GVI Laos Charitable Trust Challenge....
so we’ve gotta get ‘in shape’! Some ‘challenges’
have participants climb mountains, others do fun runs, but in Laos we decided
to strike a cultural chord and give alms to Buddhist monks and novices 5 days
in a row. Early starts followed by a day
of work is a challenge!!
August 20 -24th sees volunteers and staff take up the
challenge. To help us ‘train’ for this Challenge Event Field Staff are hosting a mass GVI falang (foreigner) volunteer alms-giving

We hope by having the extravanganza – set for Friday 29th
June – that we’ll raise awareness for the challenge and kick start more donations
as we saw at the opening of the Just Giving challenge website.

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