Village Visit with Lay Students
Recently, GVI staff, volunteers and interns drove 2 hours to the small town of Nam Bac to donate sports equipment to the local school. The director of one of our schools (Xayadeth College) grew up in this town so we accompanied him and our lay students first to a lunch at his family home then to the school itself. When we arrived hundreds of Lao students piled out of the classrooms to watch the “Falang” (Foreign Friend) play football and volleyball. There was an intense football game with only students involved then the second game was our staff members versus the local school’s staff members! The local school won both times.. The Lao people know how to have a good time so those who were not playing any sport were entertaining us by playing drums, singing, cheering and of course practicing their English. In the evening the school held a dinner, along with Lao music and traditional dancing. What a fun day we had with our Xayadeth students, Nam Bac students, teachers, volunteers, GVI family and more!

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