Volunteer Blog Post
In 2012 I spent 6 weeks teaching English in Luang Prabang. I had a fantastic time and fell in love with Laos. I loved the program and being able to teach novice monks was a real privilege. In October this year I returned for 4 weeks with my newly retired husband, Rod. I wondered if it could possibly be as good again. I quickly decided that yes it was – my time in Luang Prabang was just as rewarding, fascinating and wonderful but in different ways. Teaching lay students was fascinating and I learnt a lot about Lao life from them. Life was a bit more relaxed as I didn’t feel the need to visit every temple in town – in fact I only went to temples novices and monks invited us to. The food was just as good – perhaps even better sharing it with Rod! I planned our trip to coincide with the festivities at the end of Buddhist Lent – an experience we will never forget!
- Written by Gretel from Australia who is thinking about returning on the project for a 3rd time!!
- Written by Gretel from Australia who is thinking about returning on the project for a 3rd time!!

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