Sunday Lunch Lao Style
As new arrivals to Laos, we were really excited to be given the opportunity to join the family of one of the local teachers here and learn a traditional Lao dish last Sunday.
An early morning rendez-vous at the food market set us up for our culinary experience. Needless to say that there are a few differences between popping down to your local supermarket at home and sourcing out the best animal bile and stomach lining as an ingredient here in Laos!
Food bought and we were ready to begin. We learnt how to cook a Beef and Chicken Laap and of course not forgetting sticky rice. Following some intense chopping and endless laughter at our inability to match our hosts skills, we were ready to eat.
The food was simple but great. The Lao hospitality warm and welcoming. A thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

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