Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Music to learn

KIds enjoy play based learning at Kok Gniew village

Everyone knows that kids love singing and music, and that having fun is one of the best ways to learn, and so it was only natural that the volunteers and field staff on GVI’s Teaching Children program should incorporate songs into their teaching.

The Teaching Children program started in Luang Prabang in the middle of 2011 and keeps growing and growing!  With more volunteers come more resources to expand our reach and GVI are now working with 5 schools and centres for younger learners.  Whilst we’re still using tried and trusted TEFL methods, experimenting with some quality primary teaching techniques, especially for reading, we’re also building in more play-basedlearning and music into our work. 
The results are certainly popular with the students and seemingly effective in not only engaging the kids and keeping them interested in their language learning, but also in the retention of English.  Of course, volunteers love it too!  Check out the video and you'll see how much! 
